Holocene Drilling is one of the safest, most experienced and reliable drilling companies in the Pacific Northwest. We were founded in 1996 and have extensive experience with large geotechnical public works, environmental and dewatering projects utilizing truck and track mounted drill rigs. Our geotechnical services include auger, sonic, mud rotary, rock coring and vacuum hole clearing. For environmental use use auger, sonic, direct push including remediation injections and vacuum hole clearing rigs. We also jet drill multiple point dewatering systems and install and operate manifolded vacuum water extraction systems. We install vapor probes, geotechnical instrumentation, monitoring and extraction wells . We conduct soil, ground water and soil gas sampling, and do commercial and residential well decommissioning.
Holocene believes all accidents and injuries are preventable. We regularly perform on-site safety inspections and communicate lessons learned from any root cause investigations.
All our field crews are OSHA 40 and 8 hour Hazardous Waste trained. Our training includes First Aid/CPR, E-Rail Safe, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Contractor Safety training and annual medical monitoring. We are a drug free company and participate in a third-party random drug testing program.
Holocene Drilling is licensed in Washington State.